The prosody of absolute and reiterative questions in the Castilian of the Leonese Páramo: Falling patterns and phonological lengthening




prosody, Sp_ToBI, absolute questions, duration, Asturleones


The present study aims to describe and analyse the prosody of total interrogative sentence in the Leonese Páramo within the context of the Romance linguistic varieties of the northern Iberian Peninsula, which exhibit a descending intonational pattern for this type of sentence. A corpus consisting of 74 interrogative sentences from 11 native speakers from the Páramo Bajo has been compiled and analysed using the Sp_ToBI prosodic annotation system. The analyse paid special attention to the behaviour of F0 movement and the relation between the duration of final and medial syllables. The study concludes that ascending-descending patterns (¡H* L% and L+H* HL%) are predominant in the examined region, and prototypical ascending patterns of standard Spanish are not observed. Additionally, there is a tendency towards lenghtening the final syllable in interrogative sentences, particularly notable for the descending nuclear configuration H+L* L%.


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How to Cite

Bargiela, V. ., & Roseano, P. (2024). The prosody of absolute and reiterative questions in the Castilian of the Leonese Páramo: Falling patterns and phonological lengthening. Loquens, 11(1-2), e107.




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