Journal Sections
Only original research articles will be published in this section. Manuscripts should not exceed 60,000 characters, including spaces. Supplementary materials (audios, data tables, interactive maps, etc.) are permitted, and will be included for publication on the Loquens' website. In order to ensure transparency and replicability, authors are recommended to make use of this option.
Submissions to this section are open all year round.
News of various kinds will be published in this section. They may be related to advances in research projects, or be calls for papers in conferences, etc. Its maximum length will be 45,000 characters.
This section is open all year round.
Book Reviews
Reviews of books related to the topics described in the "focus and scope of the journal" section will be published in this section. They must have expository and critical content. The maximum recommended length for reviews is 10,000 characters. Contents to this section will only by reviewed by members of the Editorial Team. Authors wishing to have their books reviewed must send two copies to the journal's address, one for the reviewer and one to be incorporated into the Tomás Navarro Tomás (CCHS - CSIC) Library. Exceptionally, at the discretion of the Editorial Board, replies will be published, but in no case counter-replies.
This section only allows contributions by invitation. Check with the Editorial Team before sending a copy to the CSIC.