(Inter-)Fonología del Español Contemporáneo (I)FEC: Methodology of a research program for corpus phonology





Corpus phonology, Spanish, methodology, variation, Discourse Completion Task (DCT)


The present contribution describes and discusses the methodology of the corpus phonological research program (Inter-)Fonología del Español Contemporáneo —(I)FEC—, which aims to document both the phonic variation in the Spanish-speaking world and the pronunciation of Spanish as an L2 and a foreign language in different learner groups. Partly based on the methodology of the French research program (Inter)Phonologie du Français Contemporain —(I)PFC—, (I)FEC includes, in addition to a word list with several (potential) minimal pairs and a reading task, also a discourse completion task (DCT) aiming to collect data for the analysis of different intonational tunes. The paper offers a detailed description of the individual tasks of the protocol, before discussing practical aspects of the data collection.


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How to Cite

Pustka, E., Gabriel, C., Meisenburg, T., Burkard, M., & Dziallas, K. (2018). (Inter-)Fonología del Español Contemporáneo (I)FEC: Methodology of a research program for corpus phonology. Loquens, 5(1), e046. https://doi.org/10.3989/loquens.2018.046


