The influence of lexical stress on the temporal coordination of syllables with complex attack in Spanish




lexical stress, c-center, syllable


This study is about the relationship established between the gestures of the syllable and several elements that can affect their coordination. Delving into the coordinative patterns of the syllable, there are two of special interest. On the one hand, complex onsets because of their strictness arising from the commitment between antagonistic requirements. On the other hand, stress, since the prominence of the lexical stress emerges as given changes in the temporal coordination of gestures. Based on this framework, this study asks whether the influence of stress modifies coordination patterns and the absolute and relative duration of their components.


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How to Cite

Caño Laguna, A. . (2021). The influence of lexical stress on the temporal coordination of syllables with complex attack in Spanish. Loquens, 8(1-2), e081.


