Variation in the /kt/ sequence in Castilian Spanish: Synchronic study and diachronic applications


  • Clara Luna García García de León Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo



synchrony-diachrony interface, sound change, Spanish, /kt/ sequence


Diachronic phonetics and phonology in Spanish have not kept up to date with the latest methods in historical linguistics. Though acknowledging the value of traditional bibliography, this paper advocates an interdisciplinary, more modern approach. By way of example, an analysis is proposed of the evolution of /kt/ from Latin to Spanish. An experimental study of the sequence /kt/ in speakers from the Madrid area serves to argue that empirical synchronic data are an invaluable contribution that improve traditional views into diachrony. This paper seeks to invite reflection on possible ways of methodological renovation in the field of historical phonetics.


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How to Cite

García García de León, C. L. (2015). Variation in the /kt/ sequence in Castilian Spanish: Synchronic study and diachronic applications. Loquens, 2(1), e016.


