Perceptual variety linguistics: Jerezano speakers’ concepts and perceptions of phonetic variation in western Andalusian Spanish




perceptual variety linguistics, mental representations, perceptual phonetics, salience, Andalusian dialectology


This article deals with the metalinguistic knowledge of Jerezano speakers about the phonetic variation within the Andalusian dialectal continuum, applying the perceptual variety linguistics. In particular, we investigate the metalinguistic knowledge about a possible phonic norm in western Andalusia that presumably diverges from the national standard of Peninsular Spanish. Methodologically, we distinguish between representations based on concrete perceptions and metalinguistic representations, in order to know if there are divergences between permanent metalinguistic knowledge and knowledge based on direct perceptions: both results show a clear division between a ceceante (Jerez and rural western Andalusia) and another seseante zone (the capital of Seville and the other provincial capitals of western Andalusia). Consequently, the speakers themselves believe in the non-existence of a Sevillian norm based on seseo for the community of speech analyzed. This metalinguistic knowledge strengthens more recent socio-phonic data on the speech community of Jerez. Therefore, the successful combination of the perspectives of linguists and the speakers themselves constitutes a very promising methodological triangulation for the phonetic-phonological research of the Hispanic varieties in general.


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How to Cite

Harjus, J. (2017). Perceptual variety linguistics: Jerezano speakers’ concepts and perceptions of phonetic variation in western Andalusian Spanish. Loquens, 4(2), e042.


