Syntax and word-specific phonetics: the origins of the allomorphs of the Galician definite article


  • Francisco Dubert-García Instituto da Lingua Galega-Universidade de Santiago de Compostela



Galician, syllable, clitics, word-specific phonetics, exemplar models


The Galician definite article seems to be a case of a ditropic clitic which, phonologically, attaches to the preceding word while maintaining direct, constitutive syntactic relations with following words. The article has three allomorphs whose selection is conditioned by the ending of the preceding word. In this paper I study the historical origins of these allomorphs. They are the result of assimilatory processes due to constraints governing the structure of the syllable and intersyllabic contact; the domain of these constraints, however, was restricted to the definite article and the 3rd person accusative clitic pronoun, leaving unaffected other words having the same phonetic sequences in apparently similar contexts. In this paper I will demonstrate the convenience of explaining the origins of these alternations by means of usage based models designed to explore the role of frequency in the emergence of grammar and facilitate the natural combination of information from the language’s semantic, syntactic and phonological components.


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How to Cite

Dubert-García, F. (2014). Syntax and word-specific phonetics: the origins of the allomorphs of the Galician definite article. Loquens, 1(2), e013.


